Oakland Elite Boys Tryout
Oakland Elite Boys Tryout


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Welcome OE Parents and Players,

Oakland Elite will host Tryouts September 11th and 18th..  We are asking players to try and attend both tryouts. If you can not make a date just let us know in the comment portion.  TRYOUTS ARE located at Lutheran Northwest HS.  Please be sure to register online as we are not accepting walkin players.  Registration is good for both dates.  


Parents are asking should/do we need to attend one or both tryout dates.  My advise to particpants, please try and attend both dates.  Attending both dates will give you the best opportunity to showcase yourself to coaches. We are asking all players to bring water bottle, and a basketball.  Parents are welcomed  to attend and stay for tryouts. 


Tournament Schedules are not set in stone but we will play 6-11 events.  Every team could have a different schedule based off their coach final decisions.  The season will run Nov - March with one/two times a week practice.  Please plan to budget for $600 - 1000 for the season which will include uniform, practices, tournament fee and coaches fee.

We will announce final rosters September 20th.  We will send an email inviting you to accept a position and we will also send out emails for those who do not make a team.  


Grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th

Sunday September 11th & 18th

Tryout Time: 4:30pm - 6pm

Locations: Lutheran Northwest HS - 1000 Bagley ave, Rochester Hills, MI

1st/2nd: Coach Andrew Pavlik (JBA League and 3 tournament season with 1/2 times a week practice)

3rd Grade: Coach Geno and Ryan

4th Grade: Coach Marcel 


Grades 5th, 6th

Sunday September 11th & 18th

Tryout Time: 6pm - 7:30pm

Locations: Lutheran Northwest HS - 1000 Bagley ave, Rochester Hills, MI


5th Grade Coach Brent Mackowiak

6th Grade Bill Klotz

6th Grade Dennis Drake




Tournament schedules are still not concrete: 3rd - 8th

1st and 2nd grade to play 3 tournaments and JBA League (only team)


Typical Tournament Schedule 3rd -8th

November 20th - Faast, Local

December 2nd - 4th -Hells Kitchen, Location TBD

December 10th - Rochester , Holiday Hoopfest

January 7th - MC Classic, Browntown 

January 13th-15th - Gym Rats Spiece Fieldhouse, Fort wayne, IN

February 4th - Winter Jamfest, Livonia

February 11th - OE Valentine Hoopfest, Rochester MI

February 25th and 26th - Best of Best Clarkston, Mi

March 5th/6th - Lansing Spartan Showcase, East Lansing 

March 18th/19th - Oakland Unvierstiy Tournament

March 25th/26th - Grand Rapids Storm Classic


Each team will have a different tournament schedule and will have a parent meeting to determine schedules that fit for each team.


Practice Start date October 27th - March 23rd Subject to change and will be finalized by coaches.  Due to football some teams may begin in November.


Tenative Practice schedules 

Grades - 1st/2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

Tuesday and Thursday 6:pm - 7:30pm - Avondale Middle School 


6th Grade Klotz and Dennis - Tuesday and Thursday

7:30pm-9pm, Avondale Middle School


Please note there is an additional processing fee for paying online.


Best Regards,

Romulo Roldan


Club Director

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Sun Sep 11 2022 04:30 PM Start
Sun Sep 18 2022 08:00 PM End
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1435 West Auburn Road, Rochester Hills, USA

Hosted by Romulo Roldan
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